Tormentor the Saviour
A Bicycle was my mode of transport to college in the second half of 60s. A Hercules cycle that cost all of ₹ 300 then. The Rupee had not yet begun its plummeting like an aircraft shot by an air defence gun, yet. May be it had just been hit! Once when I was going parallel to a Standard Herald car (a car that I admired and liked) trying to see whether I can keep up with her, the well dressed owner-driver turned towards me and asked with a smile, “Do you know at what speed you are going? You are going at 40 Kilo Meters”. So what, I thought and smiled back in acknowledgement. However I stopped racing him after that day. I felt a bit embarrassed, though we used to meet often. Another vehicle and person that I admired and tried to keep up with was a Bullet and its well dressed rider. He used to go at a steady speed with dignity and the bike would emanate its royal steady beat. Man, what a beat at cruising speed! Those days Bullet had dignity. Now that any Tom, Dick or Harry is able to...