On Match Fixing
Sampath came from Bangalore, and I came from Madras (I prefer English names of places as it is classy, unlike the politicised ones). We both had a lot in common. The only issue was that Bangaloreans generally looked down upon Madrasis. I believe they had pubs affordable by college students and we didn’t have! As a matter of fact, even now. Now that made a huge difference in our cosmopolitan, cultural outlook, as per them. That was one thing I lost out on, while I was abreast with him on most other things. He was good at racquet games and cue sports. He was not into field games like football. Now I was into most of the field games as also into racquet games and cue sports. The game of "Pool”, was not even heard of those days by which I mean more than two score and five years ago. And in any case, it is no patch to the class of Billiards and Snooker. Sampath looked at field games with disdain. So, it was incumbent on me to match him game for game in his turf. ...