Promotion Exam - Part D
There is a misconception that once you join Army, you have no serious studies to undergo further. I am a victim of that. By the time I completed my Degree, I got fed up. Fifteen years of scholastic activity had been unbearable, except for the fact that both my School and College had vast playgrounds, which is where I spent my time. Before the 60s, Army Officers underwent promotion exams from Part A to D! By the time I joined, Part A was done away with. Later, though after I cleared it, Part C, which was an interesting practical exam, was also taken off. If one does not clear Part B and D, one does not go beyond a Capt or Major, respectively. There are other professional courses by the dozen if you are the aspiring type. "Keen Kumars", as they were described. The mandatory Promotion Exams have to be cleared by a certain number of years. So an early start is a good idea, for very few clear all the six papers of Part D in one go, what with all the operational, counter-ins...